
Preparing for Class 6 Maths Exam – Revision tips to follow

It’s just the beginning of the academic session and you must be in a very messy situation because you now have to come face to face with the high-level exam by CBSE for the very first time. But you don’t have to panic. You have the entire year to study as hard as possible. Utilise this time to divide it between studies, revision and practice. With a few very easy to follow steps, you will be able to shine in your exams. Through this article, we are going to provide some of the best possible tricks and tips that have been proposed by the experts.

  1. Time management

Plan your day and distribute all tasks within these 24 hours. You have to study for an ample amount of time. It’s a must to include three subjects every day. Other than studying, take some time out for relaxation. Do anything that you are interested in– listen to music, paint, draw, or go out to play games for about an hour.

  1. Practice writing

After you have finished learning your topics, develop the habit of putting them down on paper. Experts understand that you must try to write it at a decent pace but keep it legible. You are not going to spoil your handwriting through this practice. With this habit of writing down a topic, you can analyse how much time you have taken for it. It is ultimately going to help you in managing your time while you write your exam.

  1. Draw Diagrams

If you are very tired by only studying, you can draw diagrams. This process is going to help you to relax and also learn your topics as well. Later, you will be able to understand what you have missed while drawing and correct it.

  1. Sleep Well

Sleep, eat, study and rest. This has to be the Mantra Instead of cramming your head with textbooks and notes. After you get free and lie on your bed just before you sleep, try to remember what you have studied for the day.

  1. Exercise and yoga

Physical work has the capacity to metabolize your brain in order to make it much more active. Scientific research says, 20 minutes of exercise helps in making the student’s brain much more active. Meditation and yoga help to improve your power of concentration, increase IQ level, improve focus, calm down stress, depression as well as anxiety. These habits are going to keep you physically very healthy while you prepare for the exams.

  1. Mental Associations

Make an effort to relate whatever you learn in all the subjects. Connecting Concepts is probably the best and easiest way of remembering lessons. Steve Jobs had famously said, “Creativity is just connecting things.”.

  1. Use Study Techniques

Create short Mnemonics or abbreviation forms for complicated information. For instance –









  1. Engage in Group Study

Studying in groups will allow you to gain new thoughts about the same topic from your own classmates. This process is going to enhance your capacity and experience of learning. When studying in a group, you are also sharing resources, interacting with different members while you all are discussing ideas as a team. This habit is due to making the whole learning process extremely interactive.

  1. Infotainment and Edutainment

If you want to understand a topic in a quick and easy manner, try and watch any video of that particular point or topic that you have been trying to study. Visuals are proven to help in retaining things in a simple way. The internet has millions of free tutorials that can help you in learning in an entertaining way through animated series, interactive study and mentors who help you with all kinds of learning techniques. You can also take the help of NCERT maths book class 6 solutions pdf free download.

  1. Sleep Before Exam

You must get enough sleep and rest on the day right before the exam. Make it a point to go through every relevant topic. Emphasise major topics. Eat a good dinner and go to sleep on time. Before you go to bed, get all the important stationeries, and other requirements for your exam ready for the upcoming day.

General Tips for Class 6 Maths

  • Instead of simply mugging up the formulae only, try to understand the basic concepts. Devote some of your preparation time to them as you try to understand all concepts that are going to enable you to derive these formulas too.
  • Connect problems in mathematics with problems in the real world. This subject might appear to be extremely abstract often so looking for a kind of practical application will help change the perspective while making it interesting
  • Write down a summary or synopsis of the important chapters. Enlist all formulae. Before the exam, it can help you in going through the whole syllabus at a glance.
  • Revising through regular practice is important. Maths is not mastered by simply reading or listening. So you have to practice Problems from the previous year’s question papers frequently. Devote at least 2 hours to maths daily
  • Set a time limit as you are solving questions. This is not only helpful in the exam but also for revision purpose
  • Attempt a test of the entire syllabus each week and check it with the help of your teacher. Try to complete these test papers within 2 ½ hrs maximum. If you can, write the papers between 10:30 am and 1:00 pm. This will coincide with the actual examination time and set the body clock.
  • Understand the marks break-up in each question and make it a point to solve them following it.
  • Divide chapters into sections based on your ability. Allow the complex chapters a bit of extra time while you can scroll the easy ones a bit quicker.

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