The newest trend in online modeling jobs, besides public & private shows!
When starting their career in online modeling jobs, most cam girls expect their activity to be equally shared between doing public & private shows for their members. However, lately, a new trend emerged, having to do with personalization. Nowadays, on the Internet, you have to send messages as targeted and customized as possible, to get the maximum out of your online interactions. More precisely, we are talking about maintaining a strong relationship with your closest or highest-contributing members, by sending them personal messages, through video content, of course.
Why is this necessary? Because, apart from public & private shows, your members need to know you care about them, and this is the best way to show it. In non-adult online modeling jobs, where you can’t undress or engage in any type of sexual activity to entice men and make them spend their time and money, you have to find different ways through which to make yourself pleasant and memorable. Just think about it: if your idol, for example, a famous actress or singer, would address you personally, in a video, wouldn’t this make your day? It’s the same for your members, as they consider you their star.
This is exactly the question a young woman in online modeling jobs asked on a private forum dedicated to the industry. “Hi, girls! Do you make separate content for the messages you send members? How do you proceed, is someone helping you with the filming or do you simply use the selfie cam?”, Sabrina K. asked. Soon, answers came pouring in, most of them from non-adult cam models working with Studio 20 – This is the biggest and most successful non-adult cam agency in the world, with locations in 5 countries on 3 continents (the United States of America, Columbia, Romania, Hungary, and the Czech Republic).
“Hey! I try to diversify things as much as I can. Sometimes it’s hard and it takes a long time, but it’s worth it. Sometimes I film myself, sometimes my trainer helps, so it’s OK”, Lolla answered. Patricia P. also contributed with an opinion: “I also try to diversify things as much as possible. For example, for the closest members, I’m also doing customized things, such as saying their names. I film myself, with the ring light, I don’t really need anyone helping me with that, I got used to it”.
In conclusion, if you really want to make an impact on your members in online modeling jobs, you have to go above & beyond for them and create more content than the one you present live, during your public or private shows. In other words, you should create personalized messages for your most important members and share them through DMs from time to time. Of course, you can create a template to make things easier, for example, “Hi (insert name here), how have you been lately? I really missed you and I hope we can get in touch soon for (insert activity here)”. Good luck!